Tariq A. Haq

Senior Regional Employment Policy Specialist, International Labour Organization Regional Office for Arab States

Tariq Anwar-Al Haq joined the International Labor Organization in 2003 as a research economist in the former Employment Strategy Department in Geneva and has since had various postings in the Arab States and HQ. He returned to the Regional Office for Arab States in September 2016 as the region’s senior employment policy specialist, where he is responsible for advising constituents on economic and social policies to create more and better jobs for men and women, based on analysis of local, national, and regional trends and developments in the field of labor markets, employment, and economic development.

An economist by training, with a special interest in labor markets and the applied economics of the Middle East, Tariq holds a BA (Hons) and an MA from the University of Oxford and an MSc (with Distinction) from the University of London. He has published policy-oriented research on labor markets, employment strategies, and macroeconomic and development policies.