Relations between Egypt and Saudi Arabia – a key feature of the Middle Eastern political landscape and a pillar of Arab security – took another body blow on January 16 when Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court rejected Cairo’s plan to transfer control over two uninhabited, but strategically located, Red Sea islands to Riyadh. The Egyptian-Saudi partnership brings together the Arab world’s most populous and wealthiest (as measured by national gross domestic product) countries, respectively. Read more
Abu Dhabi capped a year of unprecedented change at state oil company Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) with a landmark $2.2 billion share-swap with legacy partner BP. The unique model for a joint venture gives Abu Dhabi a 2 percent stake in BP in exchange for a 10 percent share in the country’s main onshore oil concession. The deal, announced on December 17, 2016, makes the emirate one of BP’s largest single stock holders and at the same time gives BP access to significant long-term onshore oil reserves, production, and cash flows. Read more
رسم دونالد ترامب، الرئيس الخامس والأربعون للولايات المتحدة، صورة قاتمة لحاضر البلاد ولحال العديد من المواطنين، وتعهد لهم بقلب المقاييس والأعراف التي تحكمت بالسياسة البالية التي تمارسها الطبقة السياسية التقليدية في واشنطن، واضعا نفسه نقيضا لها والمنقذ منها. ولم يستغرق خطاب حفل تنصيبه رئيسا أكثر من 17 دقيقة، عاد فيه ترامب إلى نمطه المعهود كمرشح عن الحزب الجمهوري، وليس كرئيس لكل الأمريكيين، بضمنهم معارضيه، يعكف على خدمتهم وفقا للدستور اطلع على المزيد
In the Media
AGSIW Non-Resident Fellow Sigurd Neubauer commented on Oman's decision to accept 10 detainees from Guantanamo Bay for The Times: “The explicit understanding is that they will take care of these former al-Qaeda operatives so long as they don’t partake in any political activities and AQAP will not start any havoc there.” He continued, “It’s a very deliberate decision.”
Position Title: Grant Writer Department/Team: Programs and Communication Period: Part Time (20 hours/week, no benefits) Location: Washington, DC Read more