The Dhow: A Weekly Newsletter from AGSIW 

Upcoming Event
DATE Sunday October 14
TIME 4:00 pm
LOCATION Smithsonian Freer Gallery of Art
SPEAKERS Meshal Al Jaser and Ali Al Sumayin, Saudi filmmakers
MODERATOR Kristin Smith Diwan, senior resident scholar, AGSIW
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Ambassador Stephen A. Seche, AGSIW executive vice president, and Elizabeth Dickinson, senior analyst at the International Crisis Group, discuss the prospects of the upcoming Yemen talks in Geneva set for September 6.
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While many Iranians suffer because the rial is in free fall and cut expenses drastically but still can’t make ends meet, they see the oligarchs of the Islamic Republic live life large. The oligarchs flaunt their fabulous wealth on the internet, use family connections to promote their careers and to further enrich themselves from public funds. For the Iranian public, this is a sad reminder of the “thousand families” (Hezar Famil), or the oligarchy, which allegedly ruled Iran prior to the revolution. It is also a reminder of the revolutionary regime’s promise to replace the oligarchic system with equality and meritocracy.
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AGSIW in Arabic

عند احتراق الفحم، تنبعث كمية من ثاني أكسيد الكربون تكاد تبلغ ضعف الكمية الناتجة عن احتراق الأنواع الأخرى من الوقود الأحفوري على غرار الديزل أو الغاز الطبيعي. وفي عام 2015، بلغت نسبة انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون الناجمة عن الفحم في العالم 45 في المئة. وإنّ انعباث ثاني أكسيد الكربون من احتراق الوقود الأحفوري مرتبط ارتباطًا مباشرًا بتغيّر المناخ. وقد تبيّن في الواقع أن ثاني أكسيد الكربون هو المصدر الأكبر لانبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة بشرية المنشأ ويحتكر نسبة 77 في المئة من الانبعاثات العالمية، الأمر الذي يجعله عاملاً رئيسيًا في تغيّر المناخ
اطلع على المزيد
In the Media
Kristin Smith DiwanFor AFP, Senior Resident Scholar Kristin Smith Diwan commented on the arrests of women's rights activists in Saudi Arabia and the lift of the ban on women driving.
Senior Resident Scholar (Political Economy)

Position Title: Senior Resident Scholar (Political Economy)
Location: Washington, DC

Job Summary: One of three senior resident scholars, this position at AGSIW oversees the political economic portfolio at the institute. (S)he is responsible for producing regular high-quality, written analyses of key economic, trade, and financial developments in the Gulf region, and their broader geopolitical implications.
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Visiting Scholar

Position Title: Visiting Scholar
Period: Spring 2019

Location: Washington, DC

Job Summary: Visiting scholars are individuals who possess a PhD or equivalent professional experience. The length of stay for a visiting scholar is typically a semester or academic year. AGSIW is actively seeking candidates with significant regional experience and fluency in written and spoken Arabic. AGSIW will provide a stipend that can be used to cover living expenses, travel costs, or incidental research expenses.
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Washington, DC 20036

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