The Dhow: A Weekly Newsletter from AGSIW 

Event Report
Petro Diplomacy 2017 Petro Diplomacy: Navigating the New Oil Era

On September 25, 2017, speakers and discussants from the oil industry, finance, government, and academia convened in Washington to examine the challenges of navigating the new oil era at the third annual Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington Petro Diplomacy conference. “Petro Diplomacy: Navigating the New Oil Era” focused on the dynamics of OPEC and the oil market, what national oil companies and independents are focusing on for their current and future strategies, and what to expect in terms of economic and political flashpoints in the days and years ahead.
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The Bridge blog
Kirkuk Oil Fields Crises in Iraq and Iran Support Higher Global Oil Prices

By Diane Munro

Geopolitical tensions in Iraq and Iran are supporting already strong oil markets led higher by seasonally robust demand and production cuts by the OPEC and non-OPEC alliance. The crisis in Iraq sparked by the Kurdistan Regional Government’s independence referendum has de-escalated following Baghdad’s swift takeover of the Kirkuk province from KRG forces but oil exports remain constrained and the political fallout from the turmoil remains uncertain. 
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Market Watch
Mohammed bin Salman Neom Saudi Arabia’s Neom: State-Led Growth Meets New Global Capitalism

By Karen E. Young

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman envisions a new kind of Saudi Arabia, or at least the opening of a space complete with yoga studios, beach resorts, and robots in place of migrant laborers. This is the image of Neom, the $500 billion master project to develop an over 10,000 square mile swath of land in the northwest corner of Saudi Arabia on the shores of the Red Sea, adjacent to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and southern Jordan. The crown prince unveiled Neom, to be investor owned through an initial public offering on a yet to be named exchange, on October 24 in a slick presentation of the possibilities of an undiscovered Saudi Arabia, a kind of Saudi manifest destiny. 
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AGSIW in Arabic

عندما بدأ دونالد ترامب حملته الانتخابية قبل أكثر من سنتين، تعاملت القيادات التقليدية للحزب الجمهوري معه كظاهرة سياسية هامشية، وغريبة وحتى ترفيهية، بسبب تاريخه في مسابقات الجمال وتلفزيون الواقع. وبعد انحسار موجة السخط التي أثارها حين هاجم المهاجرين من المكسيك بعنصرية نافرة خلال اعلانه رسميا عن خوض المعركة، أصبح ترامب مرغوبا به ومقبولا كضيف يجلب المشاهدين في برامج تليفزيونات الكابل حيث كان يدخل في سجالات ومبارزات حامية وظريفة مع مقدمي البرامج على خلفية اعتقاد عام بأنه ظاهرة ترفيهية عابرة
اطلع على المزيد

In the Media
Marcelle M. WahbaSpeaking with Zawya, President Marcelle M. Wahba commented on changes in Saudi Arabia arising out of Vision 2030: "It is easy to be skeptical of such ambitious visions that will require dramatic social change, threaten vested economic interests and inevitably challenge established ways of doing things. This kind of deep structural change is all the more difficult in a conservative, traditional society and culture. For all these reasons, this transformation will not be easy or smooth, but it is absolutely necessary if Saudi Arabia hopes to secure a stable and prosperous future." The piece also references AGSIW's report from its May "Saudi Arabia Transforming" conference.

Senior Resident Scholar Hussein Ibish appeared on Al Arabiya discussing U.S. policy toward Islamists in the context of remarks by former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. Speaking with Arab News, Ibish additionally commented on Hizballah and the U.S. House of Representatives' decision to impose sanctions on the group: "It operates as a key and highly effective strike force within this Iranian-led bloc that is absolutely opposed to the status quo in most of the Middle East, the stability of the Sunni Arab world, and the role of the United States in the region."
DB Des RochesNon-Resident Fellow DB Des Roches spoke on the panel "US-Gulf Relations and US Policy in the Arabian Gulf" at the Arab Center Washington DC's conference "Trump and the Arab World: First Year Assessment and Policy Recommendations."
Deadline Wednesday: Spring 2018 Internships

Position Title: Program and Digital Media Intern
Department/Team: Programs and Publications
Period: Spring 2018
Hours: 20 to 30 hours per week
Location: Washington, DC
Deadline to Apply: November 1

Job Summary: The Internship Program at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington provides talented students and recent graduates with a three-month (or longer) training opportunity designed to encourage professional and personal development. We encourage out-of-the-box thinking and value fresh perspectives.

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