Kinship politics in the Gulf Arab states are often oversimplified. States in the region are not merely “tribes with flags,” nor is kinship in such states a relic of pre-oil politics. Kinship is important to individual identity, the distribution of power and resources within the state, and connections beyond it. Read more
As Saudi Arabia embarks on Vision 2030, its comprehensive plan to confront oil dependence and meet the challenges of economic diversification and social change, there are signs that the leadership is opening space for much-needed religious debate. During the recent holy month of Ramadan, when religious talk shows enjoy popular viewership, one program took the Muslim world by storm. Read more
The appalling massacre on Bastille Day in Nice, France – in which at least 84 people were killed by a French-Tunisian man driving a 19-ton refrigerated truck and armed with an automatic pistol – capped off several weeks of virtually unprecedented terrorist carnage around the world. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) appeared to be the primary link between atrocities ranging from Nice to Baghdad, Dhaka to Istanbul, and perhaps most shockingly, especially to Muslims around the world, the holy city of Medina in Saudi Arabia. Read more
Saudi Arabia has long reigned as the most important holder of oil reserves in the world but new data from a leading oil consultancy estimates volumes are sharply lower than official government projections, placing the kingdom below the United States and Russia. Rystad Energy estimates for Saudi Arabia's proved reserves at 70 billion barrels are significantly lower than the 266 billion reported by Saudi Aramco. Read more
رسم دونالد ترامب مرشح الحزب الجمهوري لانتخابات الرئاسة الأمريكية صورة قاتمة للوضع الحالي، و طرح رؤية داكنة لعالم مضطرب يهدد بلاده، و قال للأمريكيين في الخطاب الذي قبل فيه ترشيح حزبه لمنصب الرئاسة أن ترشيحه جاء في لحظة تاريخية حرجة "يهمين فيها الفقر و العنف في الوطن، و الحروب و الدمار في الخارج". الخطاب أكد مرة أخرى أن كل ما يفعله ويقوله ترامب ليس اعتياديا و خارج السياق السياسي الأمريكي التقليدي. كان خطابا طويلا، غنيا بالغضب و الشكوى، و حفل بالوعود الكثيرة التي أو حى أنه الوحيد القادر على تنفيذها اطلع على المزيد
Can a state be both the target of Islamist extremists and responsible for their actions? AGSIW Board Member F. Gregory Gause, III addresses this question in the Los Angeles Times. Read more
US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter hosted on Wednesday counterparts and senior military leaders from more than 30 nations at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, D.C. to discuss the next steps in the fight against ISIS, including how the US-led coalition can liberate the Iraqi and Syrian cities of Mosul and Raqqa. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obaidi attended the meeting as well.
AGSIW Senior Resident Scholar Hussein Ibish discussed possible successors for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with The Jerusalem Post. Ibish argued that Fatah leader Muhammed Dahlan remains unpopular in Ramallah, despite having popularity in Gaza, and should not be considered as a possible successor.
On July 12, AGSIW Senior Resident Scholar Karen E. Young spoke at the Middle East Policy Council's 85th Capitol Hill Conference "Economic Reform and Political Risk in the GCC: Implications for U.S. Government and Business." The conversation focused on Saudi Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program as well as similar reform initiatives in other GCC states. Young looked at the comparative political economy of reforms across the GCC.
Young was featured on July 13 at the Center for Strategic & International Studies Gulf Roundtable luncheon "Women in the Workforce," where she discussed the dynamics and consequences of female employment in the Gulf.
Position Title: Associate – Cultural Programs Department/Team: Programs and Communication Period: Part Time (25 hours/week, no benefits) Location: Washington, DC
Job Summary: The cultural associate will be responsible for proposing and implementing cultural programming at AGSIW, such as panel discussions, film screenings, art exhibitions, and music performances. The associate will monitor the arts and culture scene in the GCC countries and help shape the direction of AGSIW cultural programming. The associate will provide administrative, communication, and logistical support to the programs team to plan and execute cultural programming. Read more
Position Title: Research Associate Department/Team: Senior Resident Scholars Period: Part Time (20-25 hours/week, no benefits) Location: Washington, DC
Job Summary: Provide research assistance and administrative support to senior resident scholars at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. At the direction of the scholars, conduct research on Gulf politics, foreign policy, culture, economics, and U.S. policy toward the region. Monitor contemporary developments in the Gulf states and in U.S. policy, including reviews of regional media and foreign language sources. Contribute analytical essays, bibliographies, and summaries on relevant topics. Read more
Position Title: Research and Program Intern Department/Team: Programs and Communication Period: September through December 2016 Location: Washington, DC
Job Summary: The Internship Program at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW) provides talented students and recent graduates with a three-month (or longer) unpaid training opportunity designed to encourage professional and personal development. As a newly established organization, we encourage out-of-the-box thinking and value fresh perspectives. AGSIW will provide interns with a transportation stipend for the duration of the internship.
The deadline to apply for the fall 2016 internship is August 15. Read more