فاطمة أبو الأسرار


Fatima Abo Alasrar is a former research associate at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington as well as an independent policy analyst from Yemen. She is the co-founder of Basement Foundation, a youth driven organization that promotes the use of arts and culture for social change. Between 2002 and 2005 Abo Alasrar worked for the Department for International Development (DFID) in Yemen, where she advised on development and governance issues. She also worked in an advisory capacity for the Embassy of Yemen in Washington, DC between 2007 and 2012. Abo Alasrar is a former fellow of the Open Society Foundations. She obtained a master’s in public administration from Harvard University, a master’s in international relations from Johns Hopkins University, and a bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering from Sanaa University in Yemen. Abo Alasrar’s fieldwork focuses on conflict management, and her research experience is on international development, ethics, and political institutions.

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نهج الحوثيين لمواجهة فيروس كورونا يخدم نخبتهم

هناك حاجة لجهود الجهات المانحة لضمان إتاحة الحصول على المساعدات في مكافحة فيروس كورونا لجميع المواطنين دون تمييز، كي لا يتفاقم التحيز الاجتماعي وعدم المساواة بشكل أكبر في بلد هش بالأساس.