Ambassador Frank G. Wisner

Board Chair Emeritus, AGSIW

Ambassador Frank G. Wisner was chair emeritus of the board of directors of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington and international affairs advisor for Squire Patton Boggs in New York City. He provided clients with strategic global advice concerning business, politics, and international law from the firm’s Washington and New York offices. Wisner’s diplomatic career spanned four decades serving as U.S. ambassador to Zambia, Egypt, the Philippines, and India. Moreover, he served as under secretary of defense for policy and as under secretary of state for international security affairs. Wisner was senior deputy assistant secretary for African affairs from 1982-86. He worked closely with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to launch negotiations with Zimbabwe and Namibia, and served as the U.S. special representative to the Kosovo Status Talks in 2005, where he played a crucial role in negotiating Kosovo’s independence.

UAE Security Forum 2022: Expanding Regional Partnerships for Security and Prosperity

AGSIW convened the 2022 UAE Security Forum on November 17, where U.S., UAE, and regional partners gathered to find creative solutions to some of the region’s most pressing challenges.

Viennese Waltz: How Can the U.S. Balance Its Priorities With Gulf Arab Concerns as It Engages Iran?

On June 16, AGSIW hosted a discussion on the ongoing Vienna negotiations aimed at reviving the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear agreement.

Blog Post content-type in which the post is published

Can a New Iranian Book Help Develop a Gulf Regional Security Framework?

Ambassador Frank G. Wisner, AGSIW’s board chair, looks at Seyed Hossein Mousavian’s “A New Structure for Security, Peace, and Cooperation in the Persian Gulf.”

Competition or Cooperation: The Horn of Africa and Broader Red Sea Basin at a Crossroads

On September 10, AGSIW hosted a virtual panel discussion examining if the countries of the Red Sea basin can turn deepening foreign engagement into opportunities for increased economic and political cooperation.

Roundtable With AGSIW Chair of the Board Ambassador Frank G. Wisner

AGSIW hosted a conversation with the institute's chair, Ambassador Frank G. Wisner, who recently returned from meetings with European and Iranian interlocutors.

Commentary content-type in which the post is published

America Still Needs Saudi Arabia

President Obama has just concluded what almost certainly will be his last meeting with the heads of state of the six Arab monarchies that comprise the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).