Erhan Akkas


Erhan Akkas graduated from Durham University with a PhD in Islamic economics and finance in 2019 after obtaining his master’s in political economics from the University of Sussex. Akkas was a visiting research fellow at Durham University Business School between 2020 and 2022. He is currently a lecturer at Agri Ibrahim Cecen University in Turkey. Akkas’ most recent research focuses on political economy, economic development, Islamic finance, sovereign wealth funds, and Gulf Arab countries.

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Gulf Net-Zero Pledges in a Challenging Global Energy Security Environment

Gulf states will have to reconcile their plans for increasing oil and gas production and investments in fossil fuels with their ambitious climate targets.

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Gulf Countries Invade the Euro Football Pitch

Investments in European football clubs may appear to boost the public profile of the Gulf countries. However, at the same time, they risk increasing financial inequalities among football clubs and threaten to entangle them in Gulf political agendas.