Justin Alexander

Director of Khalij Economics; GlobalSource Partners GCC Country Analyst

Justin Alexander is the director of Khalij Economics and Gulf Cooperation Council analyst for GlobalSource Partners, a leading provider of independent intelligence on emerging markets. He has been visiting the Gulf for nearly a quarter century, including seven years living in Qatar, where he worked mainly as an economic advisor at Qatar’s Ministry of Finance. He has lived in Iraq, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories and worked for organizations including the Economist Group, the United Nations, and Schroders. Alexander primarily advises investors and governments on the Gulf but occasionally writes for outlets including AGSIW, the Gulf Research Center, and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He is contributing to an upcoming book on sovereign wealth funds, looking at their potential role in steering their countries through the energy transition. 

Oman: Reform Priorities to Create an Economy for the Future

On February 1, AGSIW hosted a panel discussion on Oman's economic and financial development.

Follow the Money: The Evolving Roles of Gulf Sovereign Wealth Funds

On October 19, AGSIW hosted a discussion on sovereign wealth funds.

Blog Post content-type in which the post is published

U.S. and Gulf States Call Truce on Open Skies Airline Dispute

Recent aviation agreements between the United States and the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have ended a bitter dispute over alleged anti-competitive practices.

Publications content-type in which the post is published

Beyond Building: Private Financing, Ownership, and Management of Gulf Infrastructure

In response to fiscal pressures and concerns about the efficiency of project and service implementation, Gulf Arab states are increasingly looking to the private sector to finance and manage infrastructure projects.