The Dhow: A Weekly Newsletter from AGSIW 

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The diplomatic deadlock between the United States and Iran places the burden for preventing conflict on the European countries and some of the other trading partners of Iran.
Gulf maritime security may be morphing from a U.S. responsibility into a multinational responsibility.
The regulations introduced to travel and civil status laws will limit the state’s ability to intervene in the private sphere.
As part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s economic and social reform plan, Vision 2030, the kingdom has taken a top-down approach to developing the country’s arts and culture sector.
AGSIW in Arabic
تهديد تركيا باجتياح شمال سوريا يهدف إلى انتزاع تنازلات من واشنطن بخصوص صفقة أف-35، ويمهد لإعادة اللاجئين السوريين إلى بلدهم
كيفما كان المخرج من الأزمة الحالية، فإنه من المرجح أن تشعر دول الخليج العربية التي تسعى إلى إنهاء التدخل الإيراني في الشؤون الإقليمية بخيبة أمل
Despite frequent claims to the contrary, the UAE has never sought a U.S.-Iran conflict, instead advocating for realistic and achievable policy changes rather than unachievable regime change in Tehran.
Development Coordinator

Period: Full Time
Location: Washington, DC

Summary: The Development Coordinator plays a critical role supporting the Senior Director of Programs and Outreach in fundraising, identifying potential partners and sponsors, and coordinating and managing programs relevant to donor sustainment.
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