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January 8, 2024
REUTERS/Ahmed Yosri
Stronger Growth Expected in Saudi Arabia in 2024 Amid High Uncertainty
Tim Callen 

The Saudi economy is likely to grow by around 1.5% in 2024 with the non-oil sector expanding by 3% to 4%. However, uncertainties are high, centering around the oil market, conflict in Gaza, path of U.S. monetary policy, and effects of domestic reforms.
ISIL’s Attack Will Not Weaken the Regime in Tehran
Ali Alfoneh

If history is any indication, the latest ISIL attack in Iran may serve to rally Iranians around the flag against a terrorist enemy and even strengthen the regime.
Expo 2030: An Opportunity to Define Riyadh’s Future
Yasser Elsheshtawy

In 2030, Riyadh has the opportunity to offer something radically different that will leave a lasting legacy for the world.
The Biden Administration Is Seeing Its Middle East Policies Collapsing
Hussein Ibish via The National

Not only does the United States have to deal with the Houthi threat in the Red Sea, but also with the Israeli threat to expand the war.
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التحديات الخارجية للرئيس بايدن في سنة انتخابية صعبة
هشام ملحم

يوضح تاريخ الانتخابات الرئاسية أن القضايا الخارجية تخدم مصلحة الرئيس الذي يسعى إلى تجديد ولايته، ولكن الشعبية المتدنية للرئيس بايدن تُظهر أن هذه الانماط التاريخية لا تنطبق عليه
Iran’s State-Censored Media Blames Abstract Enemies for Bombings

The January 5 edition of the Iran Media Review examines reactions to the January 3 attack at a memorial for former Quds Force chief Qassim Suleimani.

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In the Media
  • The New York Times: Hussein Ibish commented on U.S.-Qatar relations.
  • NPR: In an interview, Ibish discussed Iran's position on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
  • Vox: For "Today, Explained," Ibish commented on Israel killing top Hamas officials in Lebanon and the potential for escalation with Hezbollah.
  • France 24: In an interview, Ibish discussed Secretary of State Antony Blinken's trip to the Middle East.
  • Al Arabiya: In multiple interviews, Ibish discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict.
  • Al Hurra: In an interview, Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman discussed Iran, Iranian-supported militias in Iraq, and the future of U.S.-Iraq relations.
  • Semafor: Ibish commented on the position on Israel of an aide to Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley.
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