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The Dhow
August 7, 2023
REUTERS/Stephen Kalin
Grow Forth and Prosper Competitively
Robert Mogielnicki

The combination of slowing growth trends and persistently ambitious development plans is likely to increase regional economic competition.
The Breakeven Oil Price Is a Poor Guide to Saudi Arabia’s Fiscal and Oil Production Policies
Tim Callen

A thorough analysis of the government budget, debt, and net asset positions is needed to understand the fiscal situation in Saudi Arabia and any implications this may have for oil market policy.
Japan and the UAE Partner to Tackle the Energy Transition
Gina Bou Serhal and Kristian Alexander

Cooperation on UAE-produced clean energy serves Japan’s interest in diversifying its renewable energy mix while also boosting the UAE’s global position as a reliable green energy supplier.

This publication is part of AGSIW's Energy and Climate Initiative.
Iraq and Egypt Boost Diplomacy, but GCC Remains the Linchpin
Yerevan Saeed

Increasing diplomatic engagements between Iraq and Egypt are helping to advance a more ambitious regional project with Jordan, but Gulf economic and statecraft dominance will shape the initiative’s objectives and ambitions.
AGSIW in Arabic
ترامب المحاصر قضائيًا يتفوق سياسيًا
  هشام ملحم

جاء في لائحة الاتهامات أن ترامب شارك في ثلاث مؤامرات واسعة فور انتهاء الانتخابات، استخدم خلالها أساليب غير قانونية للتلاعب بنتائج انتخابات شرعية وتقويض نتائجها
Lone Voice Breaks Radio Silence on Likely Impact of Potential Israeli-Saudi Normalization

The August 4 edition of the Iran Media Review highlights commentary on the strategic implications for Iran of the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Potential Presidential Candidate? Former Foreign Minister Salehi Urges Talks With the U.S.

The August 1 edition of the Iran Media Review examines former Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi’s call for a more balanced foreign policy.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
Past Event
Is a U.S.-Saudi-Israeli Grand Bargain a Real Possibility? A Conversation With Thomas Friedman

On August 3, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Thomas L. Friedman, moderated by Hussein Ibish, on the push for a grand bargain between Israel and Saudi Arabia brokered by the United States.
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