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September 9, 2024
AP Photo/Amr Nabil
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Transformation Underway: Assessing the Successes and Challenges of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Reforms
Thursday September 12 | 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm ET | Online and In Person 
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On September 12, AGSIW will host a discussion on Saudi Arabia’s reforms and the prospects for its economy.
REUTERS/Orhan Qereman
Gaza Impact Creep: Is the Fight Against ISIL a Casualty?
Ambassador William Roebuck | اقرأ بالعربية

The commander of the U.S. partner force in Syria says the Gaza war is damaging internal security and regional support in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.
Lower Oil Prices Challenge Saudi Fiscal Policy
Tim Callen

The sharp decline in oil prices raises difficult questions for OPEC+ and, if sustained, will have important implications for Saudi Arabia’s fiscal policy.
Trees of the Gulf: Olive Trees and a Mediterranean Diet in the Desert
Alia Yunis | اقرأ بالعربية

Saudi Arabia is challenging the Mediterranean’s 6,000-year hold on olive oil, but is this sustainable?

This publication is part of AGSIW's Trees of the Gulf series.
AGSIW in Arabic
تداعيات حرب غزة: هل الحرب ضد تنظيم داعش ستكون الضحية؟
السفير وليام رويبوك

قال قائد قوات قسد، المتحالفة مع الولايات المتحدة في سوريا، إن حرب غزة تضر بالأمن الداخلي والدعم الإقليمي للقتال ضد تنظيم داعش
أشجار الخليج: أشجار الزيتون والنظام الغذائي المتوسطي في الصحراء
علياء يونس

السعودية تتحدى احتكار منطقة حوض البحر المتوسط لزيت الزيتون القائمة منذ ستة آلاف عام، ولكن هل هذا أمر مستدام؟
Iranian Nationalism or Shia Internationalism?

The September 6 edition of the Iran Media Review explores commentary regarding the imposition of harsh policies to cut down on foreign nationals in Iran.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
Past Event
Behind the Scenes: The Origins and Outlook of Saudi Arabia’s Film Industry

On September 4, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Musab Alamri, Fatima AlBanawi, Abdulrahman Alghannam, and Aymen Khoja, moderated by Alia Yunis, on the past, present, and future of Saudi film.
In the Media
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1060
Washington, DC 20036