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Gulf States Advance Clean Energy Agenda but Need to Decarbonize Much Faster

While Gulf states are boosting their green energy potential, the demands of the energy transition require them to prioritize decarbonizing oil and gas production.

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The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Countdown to Net Zero

The next few years will be pivotal for the Gulf and the broader international community as the world’s energy architecture is redesigned to meet net-zero ambitions.

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Chinese Firms Snag Iraqi Oil and Gas Blocks

Chinese investors are less risk averse than their Western counterparts, hence their strong showing in the latest upstream opportunities offered by Baghdad.

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Kuwait’s New Energy Strategy Takes Off but Oil’s Still Dominant

While other Gulf Arab oil producing states have advanced diversification policies to ease reliance on oil revenue and increase renewable energy investments, Kuwait has lagged behind.

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Iraq Moves to Tackle Climate Challenge

Iraq is stepping up efforts to reduce flared gas as the first solar power plant moves forward with France’s TotalEnergies.

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IEA Cuts Oil Demand Forecast for 2024 but OPEC Remains Bullish

While geopolitical tensions have the oil market “on edge,” the IEA expects a well-supplied market amid weaker demand.

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Can Iran Sustain Its Oil and Gas Export Surge?

Iran’s oil resurgence is a critical market and political development, but the Iranian energy industry remains in a shaky state.

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OPEC and IEA at Odds Over Long-Term Oil Demand Outlook

The divergence between the IEA and OPEC outlooks is largely due to assumptions regarding the speed at which internal combustion engine vehicles will be replaced by electric vehicles.

Why Gulf National Oil Companies Are Investing in U.S. LNG

Gulf national oil companies represent a new pool of capital for global gas investment, and with some of their first forays in the United States, Gulf gas deals suggest Washington’s relations with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are improving.

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