
Iran Media Review content-type in which the post is published

Revolution Day Messages to Washington

The February 14 edition of the Iran Media Review considers Iranian officials’ calls for unity and resistance to negotiations with the United States.

Blog Post content-type in which the post is published

Sanctions on Syria Prevent Economic Recovery and Rebuilding the Country

For Syria to have a chance at stability, the United States and the EU need to urgently consider lifting the layers of economic sanctions imposed on Syria under Assad and allow Gulf countries to help rebuild the war-torn country.

Blog Post content-type in which the post is published

Fashion Trust Arabia Unites Creative Voices in Middle Eastern Fashion

From innovative designs to a collaboration with Morocco, Fashion Trust Arabia brings energy to the region’s fashion community.

Saudi Economic Spotlight content-type in which the post is published

Understanding Saudi Foreign Direct Investment Data

Attracting foreign direct investment is a key goal of Vision 2030, but tracking progress in this important area is complicated by data revisions and questions about the data accuracy.

Iran Media Review content-type in which the post is published

Khamenei Nixes U.S. Negotiations, Sparks Rumors of Pezeshkian’s Resignation

The February 11 edition of the Iran Media Review examines Iranian media responses to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s shifts on negotiations with the United States.

Blog Post content-type in which the post is published

Emirati and Saudi Ambitions for Next-Generation Fighters

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are looking to next-gen tech and ultramodern combat aircraft to give them a military edge on adversaries.

Blog Post content-type in which the post is published

The Terror Designation: Houthis Scramble While Dismissing Its Impact

While not without risks, ​​Trump’s redesignation of the Houthis​​ ​​as a foreign terrorist organization ​​​​​​is a powerful ​​​​​​diplomatic ​​tool​​​​ for Yemen’s government​​​​​​​​. ​ 

Iran Media Review content-type in which the post is published

Presidential Memorandum: Trump Regrets, Tehran Rejoices

The February 7 edition of the Iran Media Review discusses Iranian official and media responses to Trump’s press conference reimposing a “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran.

Sanctions on Syria Prevent Economic Recovery and Rebuilding the Country

For Syria to have a chance at stability, the United States and the EU need to urgently consider lifting the layers of economic sanctions imposed on Syria under Assad and allow Gulf countries to help rebuild the war-torn country.

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