While Qatar’s electoral rules may produce a more malleable legislative body, they pose the risk of upending the national unity forged over the course of Qatar’s dispute with its neighboring states.
Though Gulf states have different strategic interests and espouse contrasting ideas on how to achieve their goals, their official responses to the events in Tunisia suggest a preference for stability and security.
Gulf states have substantial economic and political stakes in the Horn of Africa that they are looking to maintain and expand by carefully positioning themselves as neutral actors in the dispute among Sudan, Egypt, and Ethiopia.
Staff Sgt. Victor Mancilla/U.S. Marine Corps via AP
على الرغم من المصالح الاستراتيجية المختلفة لدول الخليج، وتبنيها أفكارًا متناقضة حول كيفية تحقيق أهدافها، إلا أن ردود أفعالها الرسمية تجاه الأحداث الجارية في تونس تشير إلى تفضيلها للاستقرار والأمن
In the Media
BBC Arabic: In an interview, Hussein Ibish discussed the Gulf states' reactions to the Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan.
The Independent: Ibish commented on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and its impact on U.S. foreign policy. Ibish additionally addressed the U.S. withdrawal for Boston Herald, Jewish Insider, and AlterNet.
Barron's:Robert Mogielnicki discussed China’s view of the U.S. withdrawal and unfolding situation in Afghanistan.
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