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The Houthis Escalate and Expand the War

How should the United States respond to an escalation in Houthi attacks when its current approach isn’t working?

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Saudi Arabia Has a Red Sea Vision, Not Yet a Strategy

Saudi Arabia has looked to the Red Sea through the lens of economic investment and infrastructure, but an economy-center focus is insufficient to address the various factors causing instability in the region.

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How Do You Solve a Problem Like the Houthis?

Tackling Yemen’s root problems won’t be easy, quick, or cheap, which is why no one has really tried.

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The U.S. Prevented War, Yet Iran’s Strategic Decision-Making Process Remains Flawed

The crisis between Iran and Israel may be contained for now, but the breakdown in decision making that led to the end of Iran’s “strategic patience” carries risks going forward.

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Rise of Captagon Trafficking in the Gulf

As Syria’s reintegration into the region continues, a holistic, long-term approach is needed to tackle the Captagon crisis plaguing the Middle East.

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Operation Aspides: The European Union’s Response to the Red Sea Crisis

While underscoring the EU’s ambitions to expand its maritime security goals in the region, Operation Aspides faces operational and political challenges.

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No Good Options: The U.S. Dilemma in Yemen

While not yet successful, the Biden administration’s “deter and degrade” approach may prove to be an adaptable approach that can be modified into a winning strategy.

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Becoming “Neutral”: Addressing the Increasing Stakes of Qatar’s Hamas Mediation

To adapt to the post-October 7 environment, Qatar may need to abandon some long-standing policies and reemerge as a truly neutral broker and mediator.

A Flurry of Activity in Bahrain-China Relations

Recent developments in Bahrain-China ties reflect less alignment and more coincidence of interests.

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