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Bahrain Moving toward Implementation of U.N. SDGs

Bahrain recently hosted the sixth meeting of the interagency and expert group on the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), gathering international experts from dozens of countries and U.N.

Videos content-type in which the post is published

A Conversation with H.E. Zayed R. Alzayani, Bahrain Minister of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism

Zayed R. Alzayani discusses Bahrain’s economic strategy and efforts to create a diversified and thriving private sector.

Millennial Gulf content-type in which the post is published

The Bahrain Foundation for Dialogue: Promoting Social Reconciliation

The Bahraini uprising, and its aftermath, has left profound rifts six years on, in political views, sectarian relations, and even geography.

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Bahrain Beckons Tourists as It Diversifies Its Economy

Augustine of Hippo once remarked: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” In the last few years, the Bahraini government has launched a multipronged strategy to ensure that the kingdom’s page is more frequently read by the world’s travelers.

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Bahrain’s New Order 

The political news emanating from the tiny island kingdom of Bahrain has come fast and frequent this summer, with a series of actions taken by the courts, Parliament, and security forces effectively reshaping the formal political landscape of the country.

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Parliamentary Boycotts in Kuwait and Bahrain Cost Opposition

Citizens of the Gulf’s leading parliamentary monarchies have access to a pressure point that other Gulf citizens do not: If the ruling family-led executive is refusing reforms or taking unilateral political actions, they may withhold their participation in elections.

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Bahrain Faces Austerity, Without Protest

As the Gulf states enter a new era of lower oil prices, Bahrain faces the most difficult test.

The Gulf States and the U.S. Presidential Election

The short-term effects of the U.S. presidential election for policy toward the Gulf region are likely to be minimal, though the most consequential effect may be indirect and long term.

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