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VAT Hike in Bahrain Points to Fiscal Challenges, Unattractive Choices Government Faced

Even though an increase in the VAT seems the most viable option, higher levels of public buy-in could be secured through greater transparency in fiscal policy.

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Oman’s VAT Implementation Is Necessary and Not Enough

If Omanis aren’t ready to shoulder a 5% VAT, then they have a long, bumpy economic road ahead of them.

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New UAE Investment Laws Pose Challenge to Free Zones

Government efforts to legalize full foreign ownership in specific sectors aim to significantly boost inward foreign investments. However, the commercial reform threatens to disrupt the long-standing economic institutions and commercial incentives associated with free zones.

Why Gulf National Oil Companies Are Investing in U.S. LNG

Gulf national oil companies represent a new pool of capital for global gas investment, and with some of their first forays in the United States, Gulf gas deals suggest Washington’s relations with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are improving.

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