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The Gulf States in a New Syria

Given how Syria after 2011 became a cockpit for external intervention in domestic affairs, the early signs this time for engagement of Gulf states appear more promising, particularly due to their ability to convene and lead in regional affairs.

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Qatar's Adroit Post-October 7 Diplomacy

Qatar appears to have turned a serious potential liability, its long-standing support for Hamas, into diplomatic advantage.

Follow the Money: Unpacking GCC Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment Activity

On January 16, AGSIW hosted a discussion on the evolution of Gulf sovereign wealth fund investment.

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The End of Hamas in Doha?

Where Hamas operates from matters less than the broader absence of any coherent vision – from Israel, the Palestinians, or the international community – for future Arab leadership in Gaza.

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A New Silk Road: The Gulf’s Cultural Engagement With the Far East

Collaborations between the Gulf Arab states and Asia underscore a growing sentiment that culturally there is more in common between the Gulf and the Far East than there is between the Gulf and the West.

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No Low-Hanging Fruit to Help Qatar With Its Food Security Challenges

Qatar is working to boost local food production while coping with daunting obstacles, including falling aquifer levels, a paucity of arable land, and broader climate-change issues.

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Erdogan’s Landmark Baghdad Visit Signals Support for Ambitious Infrastructure Project

The Development Road project, a joint venture among Iraq, Turkey, the UAE, and Qatar, could reshape economic and geopolitical contours in the Middle East, but substantial challenges will remain ahead.

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Becoming “Neutral”: Addressing the Increasing Stakes of Qatar’s Hamas Mediation

To adapt to the post-October 7 environment, Qatar may need to abandon some long-standing policies and reemerge as a truly neutral broker and mediator.

How Russia's Middle East Strategy Threatens Gulf Security

Even if the Ukraine war comes to an end, the implications of Russia’s partnerships with Iran and the Houthis will last, and the consequences will be felt, first and foremost, in the Gulf.

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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