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Discovering New Gold: Culture and the Future of Saudi-U.S. Relations

With Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia’s bold blueprint for the future, culture is being elevated as a fundamental pillar of the Saudi-U.S. alliance.

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Emirati and Saudi Ambitions for Next-Generation Fighters

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are looking to next-gen tech and ultramodern combat aircraft to give them a military edge on adversaries.

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The Trump Effect: The Potential Impact of the U.S. President on the Saudi Economy

Economic growth looks set to accelerate in Saudi Arabia this year, but the policies of President Donald J. Trump are creating considerable uncertainty for the outlook.

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The Gulf States in a New Syria

Given how Syria after 2011 became a cockpit for external intervention in domestic affairs, the early signs this time for engagement of Gulf states appear more promising, particularly due to their ability to convene and lead in regional affairs.

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Distinguishing Myth From Reality: Saudi Arabia’s Trade and Investment With the United States

Saudi Arabia is an important economic and financial partner for the United States, but the dimensions of actual and potential Saudi investments and trade with the United States are currently being exaggerated.

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Saudi World Cup 2034: The Sports-Sustainability Nexus

The influence of oil giant Saudi Aramco across football, Formula 1 racing, and golf reveals how closely Saudi Arabia’s sports policy aligns with its energy transition and sustainability agenda.

Book Talk: The Economy of Saudi Arabia in the 21st Century: Prospects and Realities

On January 8, AGSIW hosted a discussion on Saudi Arabia's efforts to transform its economy.

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Saudi Arabia on Global Stage for 2034 World Cup

Hosting the World Cup will be a huge opportunity for Saudi Arabia, supporting Vision 2030 reforms. While preparations for the tournament will be costly, they will boost economic growth and could spur further social change.

How Russia's Middle East Strategy Threatens Gulf Security

Even if the Ukraine war comes to an end, the implications of Russia’s partnerships with Iran and the Houthis will last, and the consequences will be felt, first and foremost, in the Gulf.

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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