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The Dhow
October 15, 2019
Supporters of southern separatists attend a rally to show support for the United Arab Emirates amid a standoff with the internationally recognized government, Aden, Yemen, Sept. 5. (AP Photo/Wail al-Qubaty)
AP Photo/Wail al-Qubaty
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Yemen at a Crossroads: Are New Conflict Dynamics Reshaping the Country’s Future?
Tomorrow –  Wednesday October 16 | 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Join AGSIW for a discussion with Elana DeLozier, Abdulghani al-Iryani, and Charles Schmitz on recent developments in Yemen's war and issues central to the future of the country. Amb. Stephen A. Seche will moderate the discussion.
Arabian Sights Film Festival
October 18 – 27

AGSIW is pleased to sponsor the screening of the film "Rashid & Rajab" (United Arab Emirates), Saturday October 26 at 4:15 pm, at the 2019 Arabian Sights Film Festival in Washington, DC.
Bernard Haykel, left, and Gregory Gause
The Saudi Attacks and U.S. Engagement in the Region

AGSIW Board Members F. Gregory Gause, III and Bernard Haykel discuss the September 14 attacks on Saudi oil facilities and the future of U.S. engagement in the Middle East.
Protesters during a demonstration in Baghdad, Iraq, Oct. 3. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)
AP Photo/Hadi Mizban
Hussein Ibish | اقرأ بالعربية

Iraqi social and economic grievances open possibilities for positive Gulf Arab engagement and investment.
Nathan Toronto

The 1835 Maritime Truce between the tribal chiefs of the southern Gulf littoral could provide a model for reducing conflict and establishing a more secure Gulf.
Christian Heller

Announcing planned naval exercises with Russia and China, Tehran is demonstrating that it is cautiously choosing its actions in its ongoing feud with Washington and Riyadh.
Hussein Ibish via The National

If President Donald J. Trump hopes his decision to move U.S. troops almost entirely out of Syria and allow Turkey to attack pro-U.S. Kurdish forces will extricate the United States from Syria, he is going to be disappointed.
Yerevan Saeed via NBC News

The Oct. 6 phone call between President Donald Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spelled disaster for Kurds in northern Syria.
Ali Alfoneh via The Arab Weekly

Amid dramatic shifts in U.S. policy, Iranian officials remained remarkably silent.
Robert Mogielnicki via Foreign Policy

Beijing is a natural partner to fast and cheap development, but Riyadh should be wary of alienating its allies.
Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army fighters heading toward the Syrian town of Tal Abyad from the Turkish border town of Akcakale, Turkey, Oct. 10. (DHA via AP)
DHA via AP
AGSIW in Arabic
  كل مرة يتكرر سيناريو خذلان الأكراد أمريكيا، يكتب المتابعون ويحلل المحللون للإجابة على سؤال: لماذا يُخذل الأكراد في كل مرة؟
  تفتح المظالم الاجتماعية والاقتصادية في العراق المجال أمام انخراط إيجابي واستثمارات من دول الخليج
In the Media
  • Vox: Robert Mogielnicki commented on Saudi Arabia’s Future Investment Initiative conference representation from U.S. and European tech firms.
  • The Media Line: In an interview, Hussein Ibish discussed Saudi-Iranian relations amid tensions in the Gulf.
  • The Boston Herald: Ibish commented on the implications of the Trump administration's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria.
  • Albawaba: In an interview, Ibish discussed the implications of the Trump administration's policies on Syria and Turkey’s military incursion.
  • Iran International TV: Ali Alfoneh discussed prospects for Saudi-Iranian negotiations.
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1060
Washington, DC 20036