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October 15, 2024
REUTERS/Adel al-Khadher
Upcoming Events
Oil Prices Between Regional Conflict and the U.S. Presidential Election
Thursday October 17 | 10:00 - 11:30 am ET | Online

On October 17, AGSIW will host a discussion with Raad Alkadiri, Iman Nasseri, and Li-Chen Sim, moderated by Kate Dourian, on the implications of regional conflict and the U.S. presidential election on oil prices.

This program is part of AGSIW's U.S. Presidential Election series.
Book Talk: Gulf Women’s Lives: Voice, Space, Place
Friday October 18 | 10:00 - 11:00 am ET | Online

On October 18, AGSIW will host a discussion with Shahd Alshammari, Emanuela Buscemi, and Ildiko Kaposi, moderated by Kristin Smith Diwan, on the lives of Gulf women, exploring how Gulf women negotiate spaces through their writing and focusing on women’s narratives.
Saudi Press Agency/Handout via REUTERS
Gulf Countries Seek to Avoid Getting Drawn Into the Israel-Iran Confrontation
Hussein Ibish

Gulf Arab states are yet again watching on the sidelines as other powers shape their present and future strategic environment.
Iran Might Reevaluate its Strategy
Kenneth Katzman

The relative failure of Iranian missile strikes has significantly eroded the value of Tehran’s enormous investment in its missile and drone technology and raised serious questions among Iran’s regional allies about the ability of Tehran to come to their defense.
Day One Problems: Yemen
Gregory D. Johnsen | اقرأ بالعربية

No matter who wins the presidency in November, the United States will need a strategy that allows it to protect free and open trade in the Red Sea without becoming bogged down in an open-ended conflict in Yemen.

This publication is part of AGSIW's U.S. Presidential Election series.
Saudi National Day Evolves
Kristin Smith Diwan

Saudi Arabia's 94th National Day reflected a new seriousness in the kingdom, alongside the celebrations.
Israel and Hamas Are Kidding Themselves
Hussein Ibish via The Atlantic

Both think they’re winning, but they’re in for a rude awakening.
AGSIW in Arabic
لا نهاية قريبة لأطول حرب عربية-إسرائيلية
هشام ملحم

سوف يكون من الصعب، إن لم يكن من المستحيل أن تترجم إسرائيل انتصاراتها العسكرية الواهية إلى حلول سلمية مع الفلسطينيين ومع جيرانها العرب الأخرين، بمن فيهم بقية دول الخليج العربية
مشاكل اليوم الأول في اليمن
جريجوري دي جونسون

بصرف النظر عمن سيفوز بمنصب الرئاسة في نوفمبر، فإن الولايات المتحدة ستكون بحاجة لاستراتيجية تسمح لها بحماية التجارة الحرة والمفتوحة في البحر الأحمر دون أن تتورط في صراع مفتوح في اليمن
Mashregh News Attacks Reformists' Unuttered Thoughts

The October 15 edition of the Iran Media Review analyzes Mashregh News’ intimidation of reformist media outlets.
Iran’s Elite Reconciliation at Home, and Outreach to the Arab World

The October 11 Iran Media Review identifies how external pressure from Israel appears to be bringing Iran’s rival bureaucracies closer to each other, and how Iran is reaching out to the Arab world for support.
Ayatollah Khamenei's Sermon

The October 8 Iran Media Review highlights key points in Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s Friday prayer sermon following the killings of a number of Iranian-allied political and military leaders.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
Past Events
Will the 2024 U.S. Election Prove an Inflection Point for Middle East Policy?

On October 9, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Kirsten Fontenrose, Hussein Ibish, and Brian Katulis, moderated by Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman, on the U.S. presidential election and what it means for U.S.-Middle East policy.

This program is part of AGSIW's U.S. Presidential Election series.
Book Talk: Saudi Youth: Policies and Practices

On October 2, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Noreen Mandora, Neil Quilliam, and Mark C. Thompson, moderated by Kristin Smith Diwan, on Saudi youth policy development.
In the Media
  • BBC World TV: In an interview, Hussein Ibish discussed Israel's battle with Hezbollah.
  • Bloomberg: Tim Callen commented on Saudi Arabia's projected fiscal deficits. 
  • AGBI: Callen commented on the Saudi Public Investment Fund's expenses. 
  • Al-Arabiya: In multiple interviews, Ibish discussed the U.S. and Gulf responses to the post-Oct. 7 regional crises.
  • Middle East Political and Economic InstituteRobert Mogielnicki spoke about Middle Eastern entrants to BRICS at the Annual International Conference 2024 of the Middle East Political and Economic Institute in Bucharest, Romania.
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1060
Washington, DC 20036