The Rise of Poverty in Iran

This series examines the acceleration of poverty in the Islamic Republic, the state's perception of the political and social impact of poverty and its response to dissent, and the economic challenges facing Iran’s next administration following the June 2021 presidential election.

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Upcoming Election Offers Little Hope to a Dispirited Iranian Electorate

The economic mismanagement and resistance to change over the past four decades by a succession of regimes has demoralized supporters of conservatives, reformists, and pragmatists alike.

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Deepening Poverty Threatens the Social Contract in Iran

“Public welfare” and “social justice” have been key slogans of the Islamic Republic’s political narrative. However, sanctions, corruption, and inadequate government policies have accelerated the rate of poverty in Iran.

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Rather Than Addressing Poverty, Iran Cracks Down on Dissent

The rise of economic hardships, widespread poverty, and increasing use of violence by the Islamic Republic are major grievances dominating state-citizen relations.

Russia’s Iran Gambit: Powering Civilian Growth or Fueling Military Expansion?

As Tehran and Moscow deepen their nuclear and space technology collaboration, concerns over dual-use applications and regional security implications grow.

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