Politics and Governance

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The Gray Zone of Social Reforms in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government is moving forward steadfastly with its social modernization project, but the new policies are clashing with established norms, creating inconsistencies and uncertainties in social spaces.

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Nepotism, Corruption, and Fraud: Business as Usual among Iran’s Political Elite

As economic conditions in Iran worsen, Iranians are shifting some of the blame from the West to domestic causes, including corruption and economic mismanagement.

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Qatar, Turkey, and the Politics and Perils of Reciprocity

With Turkey’s economic woes, Qatar has leapt to its aid, but sitting uncomfortably between two critical allies, Ankara and Washington, Doha must tread carefully.

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Iran Sanctions Add Uncertainty to Shaky Oil Market

The U.S. decision to abandon the nuclear deal with Iran is bad news for crude oil importers, good news for exporters, and complicated news for those with more entwined relations with Tehran.

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Poor Governance, Corruption Spur Iraqi Protests

Ninety percent of Iraq’s oil wealth – the fifth largest proven oil reserves in the world – lies under the three southern governorates of Iraq.

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The GCC is Becoming More – and Less – than the Sum of Its Parts

As the United States and its Gulf partners intensify deliberations toward convening a U.S.-Gulf summit once scheduled for May, all parties are adjusting to new objectives and a shifting strategic landscape.

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Is Another U.S.-GCC Summit on the Horizon?

GCC Assistant Secretary-General for Political and Negotiation Affairs Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg and Hussein Ibish discuss the state of U.S.-GCC relations and prospects for another summit.

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Rouhani, the IRGC, and Negotiations with Washington

The war of words between Washington and Tehran is giving way to a more conciliatory tone, including even hints at direct and unconditional talks between the two capitals, even while U.S.

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Iran: Neither Bread nor Freedom

On July 31, the Islamic Republic was once again shaken by rallies beginning in Gohardasht, in Alborz province, and Isfahan, the third largest city in Iran, as Iranians took to the streets to protest rising prices.

Why Gulf National Oil Companies Are Investing in U.S. LNG

Gulf national oil companies represent a new pool of capital for global gas investment, and with some of their first forays in the United States, Gulf gas deals suggest Washington’s relations with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are improving.

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