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Militarized: National Security Decision Making in Iran

Former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s new book highlights the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' dominance in national security decision making.

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Bahrain and Iran Aim to Restore Ties

While regional dynamics support de-escalation between Bahrain and Iran, a host of obstacles and a potent history of bilateral grievances are likely to ensure anemic relations.

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Presidential Election in Iran: Low Turnout Boosts Jalili's Chances

While Masoud Pezeshkian faces considerable challenges in the second round of the election, the pro-regime vote is likely to ensure Saeed Jalili's victory.

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India and Iran Move Forward on Long-Delayed Chabahar Port Project

Developments with the Chabahar port could turn the trade corridor into a global hub by 2030, if the project can overcome financial hurdles, risks from sanctions, and security threats.

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Iran's Presidential Hopefuls: Strongman, Surgeon, and Pen Pusher

Three candidates have a realistic chance in Iran’s presidential election: strongman Qalibaf, reformist surgeon Pezeshkian, and zealot pen pusher Jalili.

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Under the Shadow of the War: Israel and Hezbollah

By increasing attacks to the north, Israel may be aiming to provoke Hezbollah into a disproportionate response, justifying a harsher, more prolonged Israeli military response and in effect prolonging the war in Gaza.

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Presidential Election in Iran: Curb Your Enthusiasm

The Guardian Council has again presented the Iranian public with presidential candidates who lack a political program, a social base, and the ability to mobilize voters.

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Crash of Ayatollah Khamenei's Succession Plans

Regardless of who becomes Iran’s next president or who succeeds Khamenei as head of state, there is little prospect for significant change in Iran's foreign and security policy.

Why Gulf National Oil Companies Are Investing in U.S. LNG

Gulf national oil companies represent a new pool of capital for global gas investment, and with some of their first forays in the United States, Gulf gas deals suggest Washington’s relations with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are improving.

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