Heshmatollah Falahatpishe, a former parliamentarian who served in the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Relations Committee and was disqualified from running in Iran’s March 1 elections, recently proposed a constitutional amendment to remedy low voter turnout and public distrust in the regime. The idea is not new, and its proponents often cite Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who, upon his return to Iran March 11, 1979, said of the 1906 constitution and its amendments: “Let us assume that a nation, in its entirety, votes someone sultan. Very well. Since they are masters of their own destinies, they can do so. However, did the nation, in its entirety or not, also vote for the offspring of the sultan to be sultans? How can this be right? Can the nation of 50 years ago decide the future of the nation?”
- March 7: Commenting on the historically low voter turnout in Iran’s recent elections in an interview with reformist Etemad newspaper, Falahatpishe said:
- “Prior to 2020, the voter turnout was above 50%, but, gradually, we reached record low electoral participation in the most recent elections … The people believe their vote no longer impacts their destiny … More than 60% of Iranians did not vote, and many who voted cast blank or voided votes. This distrust is deep rooted.”
- Turning to what the regime ought to do in the face of the public’s distrust, he said: “At the very least, the regime must accept that the constitution be amended by a referendum. We are in need of a national consensus to reduce the distrust … Newly elected parliamentarians are busy sharing the loot after the election, such as deciding who should be the parliamentary speaker and the like … Instead, they should think of what to do about the low voter turnout.”