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January 29, 2024
REUTERS/Hamad I Mohammed
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Oman: Reform Priorities to Create an Economy for the Future
Thursday February 1 | 12:30 - 2:00 pm ET | In Person and Online
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On February 1, AGSIW will host a discussion with Justin Alexander and Cesar Serra, moderated by Tim Callen, on Oman's economic and financial development.
Saudi Press Agency/Handout via REUTERS
Neom Is Becoming a Destination of Destinations
Robert Mogielnicki

The longer-term desirability of Neom’s destinations depends largely on the fast-changing domestic environment within Saudi Arabia, yet a tough regional neighborhood will keep Saudi planners on their toes.
Iran-Pakistan Border Confrontation Brings Major Fallout
Umer Karim

The flare up between Iran and Pakistan may have been snuffed out quickly, but the scars it left on the Pakistani and Iranian security establishments may affect ties going forward.
IEA Cuts Oil Demand Forecast for 2024 but OPEC Remains Bullish
Kate Dourian 

While geopolitical tensions have the oil market “on edge,” the IEA expects a well-supplied market amid weaker demand.
Iraqi Provincial Elections Could Come With Major Political and Security Ramifications
Yerevan Saeed

The victory of pro-Iranian groups in Iraq’s provincial elections could exacerbate internal political tensions and raise concerns about regional stability.
Were the Saudis Right About the Houthis After All?
Hussein Ibish via The Atlantic

For years, Riyadh struggled to convince its Western allies that the Yemeni militia posed a serious threat.
Is America's Tower 22 in Jordan "Ground Zero" for a New Battlefront in the Middle East?
Hussein Ibish via The National

Responding to the attack with firmness without intensifying a drift toward regional conflict will be the most challenging spillover of the Israel-Hamas war for the Biden administration.
AGSIW in Arabic
مشاهد الطبيعة: أعمال محمد الفرج الفنية تُعبّر عن روح الأحساء
ندى اماكي 

تعتمد أعمال الفنان السعودي محمد الفرج المستوحاة من الطبيعة على طفولته في الأحساء وقصص من بلدة الواحة
Former President Hassan Rouhani Disqualified From Assembly of Experts

The January 26 edition of the Iran Media Review highlights former President Hassan Rouhani’s disqualification from the upcoming Assembly of Experts elections.
Israel Tests Iran’s “Strategic Patience”

The January 23 edition of the Iran Media Review highlights fallout from the growing number of Israeli strikes against Iranian officials and allied militia commanders.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
Past Events
Where Are China-Gulf Relations Headed in 2024?

On January 23, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Jonathan Fulton, Mohammed Soliman, and Chuchu Zhang, moderated by Robert Mogielnicki, on China-Gulf relations.
The Future of Hydrogen Development in the Gulf

On January 25, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Phillip Cornell, Kate Dourian, Rami Shabaneh, and Marie van den Bosch, moderated by Robert Mogielnicki, on hydrogen in the Gulf.
In the Media
  • AFP: Kristin Smith Diwan discussed the possibility of Saudi Arabia permitting the sale of alcohol to attract tourists.
  • BBC World News: In an interview, Hussein Ibish discussed the killing of three U.S. soldiers in a drone strike in Jordan. He also spoke with BBC World Service radio.
  • Bloomberg: Robert Mogielnicki commented on boycotts in the Middle East.
  • Al Jazeera: Ibish commented on the United States' relationship with Israel.
  • MEES: Mogielnicki discussed Oman's Future Fund. 
  • Asia Times: Ibish discussed Arab leaders’ skepticism of U.S. influence over Israel.
  • Estado de São Paulo: Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman commented on U.S.-Qatar relations and negotiations with Hamas.
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