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The Dhow
October 2, 2023
REUTERS/Ahmed Yosri
Upcoming Events
Economic Empowerment of Women in Saudi Arabia – Assessing Progress and Identifying Constraints
Thursday October 5 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT | Hybrid
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On October 5, AGSIW will host a discussion with Eman Alhussein and Jennifer Peck, moderated by Tim Callen, on Saudi women's economic engagement.
With the Land: Environment and Nature in Contemporary Gulf Art   
Wednesday October 11 | 10:00 - 11:30 am EDT | Online

On October 11, AGSIW and Hunna Art will co-host a discussion with Talin Hazbar, Alia Zaal, and Razan AlSarraf, introduced by Océane Sailly and moderated by Kristin Smith Diwan, exploring environment and art.
REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
Bahrain Sets the Pace for Enhanced Gulf Security Cooperation With the United States
Ambassador William Roebuck اقرأ بالعربية

A recently signed security- and economy-focused pact marks the latest development in the United States’ close, long-standing partnership with Bahrain.
Oman Steps Up Low-Carbon Ambitions
Aisha Al-Sarihi

For Oman, the transition to cleaner energy sources is both an imperative and a practical economic path to a more sustainable future.

This publication is part of AGSIW's Energy and Climate Initiative.
Head in the Clouds or Outer Space, Pop Icon RexChouk Is Relatable and Hilarious
Nada Ammagui via Millennial Gulf

Anonymous Saudi-born and raised artist RexChouk has captured the attention of viewers worldwide with his humorous depictions of everyday life in the kingdom.
Global Oil Prices Spiral Higher After Saudi Arabia and Russia Extend Supply Cuts
Diane Munro

A substantial drawdown on global oil stocks is forecast for the fourth quarter amid record oil demand, accelerating the rise in oil prices to the $100 per barrel threshold.
AGSIW in Arabic
سيف القضاء يقترب من ترامب ويهدد العلاقات الأميركية-المصرية
هشام ملحم

سوف تتزامن محاكمات ترامب المختلفة مع الانتخابات الحزبية، وسوف تعرقل من نشاطاته الانتخابية، لأنه سوف يضطر أن يحضر شخصيًا بعض المرافعات ضده
البحرين تحدد وتيرة التعاون الأمني الخليجي مع الولايات المتحدة
السفير وليام رويبوك

يشير الاتفاق الذي تم التوقيع عليه مؤخرًا والذي يركز على الأمن والاقتصاد إلى التطور الأحدث في الشراكة الوثيقة وطويلة الأمد بين الولايات المتحدة والبحرين
اتفاق ثلاثي لحل النزاع النفطي بين تركيا والعراق
يريفان سعيد

يتوقف استئناف تصدير النفط الكردي على تحقيق توافق بين بغداد وأنقرة، لكن لا يمكن الوصول إلى حل دائم إلا عبر اتفاق ثلاثي يشمل أربيل
Raisi at the United Nations and Anniversary of Iran’s 2022 Protests

The September 29 edition of the Iran Media Review examines regime commentary on the anniversary of Iran’s 2022 protests.
Sabotage or Policy Shift? Kayhan Editor Questions Bahrain’s Sovereignty, Derides GCC Rulers as “Stooges,” “Bandits,” and “Pirates”

The September 26 edition of the Iran Media Review examines recent caustic remarks targeting Iran’s Arab neighbors.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
Past Events
BRICS+: Seeking an Alternative World Order?
On September 26, AGSIW hosted a discussion with Mohammed Baharoon, Narayanappa Janardhan, Mansour Almarzoqi, and Tingyi Wang, moderated by Kristin Smith Diwan, on the potential expansion of BRICS.
AGSIW Student Open House and Reception

On September 27, AGSIW hosted a student open house and reception, featuring Emirati and Colombian American visual artist Sara Ahli.
In the Media
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1060
Washington, DC 20036