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The Dhow
November 1, 2021
 An Emirati family looks at the under-construction Museum of the Future in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell)
AP Photo/Jon Gambrell
Gulf Institutions’ Virtual Efforts Transform and Amplify Art Experience
  Sharifah Alhinai

What does the rise of online art experiences in the Gulf mean for the future of art in the region?
Is India Abandoning Iran for a Middle Eastern Quad, or Merely Signaling China?
  Hasan Alhasan

Although joining the quadrilateral talks risks upsetting relations with Tehran, New Delhi appears willing to take measured risks to counter what it perceives as its most potent and increasingly belligerent adversary, China.
Baghdad's Deepening Reengagement With the Gulf: Hostage to Government Formation
  Yerevan Saeed

Recent Iraqi governments have pushed for reintegration with the Arab world, but continuation of that trend depends on the next government.
Iran Doubles Down on China to Hedge Against the West
  Roie Yellinek and Danny Citrinowicz

For Iran’s new president, the acceptance into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an important diplomatic achievement as Raisi tries to bolster his image as a statesman and look toward the East for economic and strategic partnerships.
AGSIW in Arabic
  رد الفعل الأميركي الأولي الفاتر على الإعلان الإيراني يعزز التحليل المشكك بصدقية النوايا الإيرانية
  في ظل تحقيق الحوثيين مكاسب عديدة من هجومهم على مأرب، وانقسام التحالف المناهض لهم، لم يعد أمام الولايات المتحدة أية خيارات بشأن اليمن
  ترى دول الخليج مثل السعودية والإمارات في تراجع الجماعات الإسلامية في شمال أفريقيا مكسبًا للاستقرار والتعاون الإقليمي. لكن حتى وإن كانت الأحزاب الإسلامية تتلاشى تدريجيًا من المشهد، إلا أن هذا لا يعني، بأي حال من الأحوال، أن هذه الأحزاب ستختفي
Past Event
Book Launch: Urban Modernity in the Contemporary Gulf

AGSIW hosted the launch of Urban Modernity in the Contemporary Gulf with co-editors Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi and Roberto Fabbri as well as chapter authors Jumanah Abbas and Edward Nilsson. Huma Gupta moderated the discussion.
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1060
Washington, DC 20036