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The Dhow
November 23, 2020
 Feby Cachero Baguisa Dela Pena of Laguna, Philippines, hands out free food to those who need it in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 3. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell)
AP Photo/Jon Gambrell
Redefining Gulf Security Begins by Including the Human Dimension
 Emma Soubrier

The coronavirus pandemic has come as a reminder of the urgent need for a renewed approach to security that no longer focuses merely on the political and military aspects of security but includes a broader look at people-centered dimensions.
Death of Bahrain’s Prime Minister Promotes Reformer, But Perhaps Not Reforms
 Kristin Smith Diwan

The death of the traditional and uncompromising Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa clears the way for the reformist crown prince to head the government. Still, state and financial security will continue to top Bahrain’s priorities.
G-20 Summit Signals Start of Challenging Decade for Saudi Economic Transformation
 Robert Mogielnicki |
اقرأ بالعربية

Saudi policymakers face the dilemma of how to accomplish ambitious Vision 2030 targets with fewer financial resources and more uncertainties.
Cracks Showing in OPEC+ Alliance as Ministerial Meeting Approaches
 Kate Dourian

Signs of strain within OPEC could reflect negatively on the market by casting doubt on the commitment of OPEC+ countries to adhere to production targets.
How Biden Should Deal With Iran
 Hussein Ibish via Bloomberg

Joseph R. Biden Jr. should use the Trump sanctions as leverage to get more concessions from the Islamic Republic.
AGSIW in Arabic
  أعلن الرئيس ترامب عن قراره بتخفيض عديد القوات الأميركية، المنتشرة في أفغانستان والعراق وصوماليا، مع حلول منتصف شهر يناير، أي قبل خمسة أيام من دخول جوزيف بايدن إلى البيت الأبيض
  بعد حقبتي أوباما وترامب، تزاحمت الشكوك المتبادلة، ولكن الرياض تمتلك العديد من السٌبل الممكنة لتحسين العلاقات مع إدارة بايدن القادمة
  يواجه أصحاب القرار السعوديون معضلة في كيفية تحقيق الأهداف الطموحة لرؤية 2030 بالقليل من الموارد المالية والمزيد من الريبة
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
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Washington, DC 20036