
Trees of the Gulf

This series looks at the vital role certain trees play in the region's collective memory, survival, and plans for the future.

Energy and Climate Initiative

AGSIW’s Energy and Climate Initiative explores Gulf energy and climate policies, technological advances, and pressing political, social, and environmental issues ahead of COP28.

Next Gen Gulf

AGSIW’s Next Gen Gulf series explores how the latest trends in technology are shaping the economies and governments of Gulf Arab states.

Shifting Iranian Public Opinion 45 Years After the Revolution

Recently leaked government polling underscores that since the 1979 revolution and establishment of the Islamic Republic, the regime in Tehran has tried and failed to impose its values on society.

Looking East: The China-Gulf Initiative

Looking East: The China-Gulf Initiative explores the expanding and multifaceted relations between China and Gulf Arab states.

Continuity or Change: Qaani's Quds Force

In this series, AGSIW Senior Fellow Ali Alfoneh looks at how the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force has evolved since the 2020 appointment of Brigadier General Ismail Qaani as chief commander

The Viability of a Partitioned Yemen

Over the past year and a half, the war in Yemen has turned into a low-intensity conflict, punctuated by periodic clashes that have done little to alter the lines of control

Petro Diplomacy

Petro Diplomacy is a signature annual event in Washington, DC bringing together private and public sector stakeholders from the United States and the Gulf Arab countries to discuss emerging trends in energy markets and regional politics.

The Ukraine Crisis and the Gulf

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted global energy markets and other aspects of Middle Eastern economies, with the long-term effects, particularly in the Gulf region, yet to be determined.

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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