Next Gen Gulf

AGSIW’s Next Gen Gulf series explores how the latest trends in technology are shaping the economies and governments of Gulf Arab states. Next Gen Gulf analyzes the implications of digital agendas, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other tech services and applications for the region, by country and sector, and identifies the associated opportunities and risks of the Gulf's digital transformation.

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The UAE: Tackling Climate Change From Space

Emirati leaders hope the UAE Space Agency can speed up the journey to carbon neutrality and position the country as a hub of climate technology and research.

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AI Offers a New Path for Personalized Education in Bahrain

AI, particularly large language models, could lay the foundation for a more technologically harmonized and effective educational framework in Bahrain.

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Smart and Sustainable: The Gulf Goes All in on Tech Cities

Saudi and Emirati leaders hope smart cities will be the key to advancing their countries’ global status in smart technology and sustainability while also developing the means to diversify their economies away from oil.

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The UAE Looks to the Stars

The United Arab Emirates is turning to its space program to position itself as a hub for advanced technology, diversify the economy away from oil, and rekindle space culture among young Emiratis.

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A Race to the Future: The UAE in the Metaverse

The metaverse is the next promising frontier of technology, and the UAE wants to take the lead.

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A New Virtual Reality: The Growth of Esports and Gaming in Saudi Arabia

Beyond paying economic dividends, there are social and cultural interests at play in the Saudi gaming industry.

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Public Investment Fund Grows, Bets Big on Tech

Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund continues to enjoy steady growth aided by technology-focused investments, but the sovereign wealth fund’s 2030 growth target remains distant.

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Sovereign Data: The Development and Marketing of Bahrain’s Digital Domain

Gulf Arab states like Bahrain cannot preserve the traditional form of their economies indefinitely, but they can influence how their new digital future will unfold.

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The Boutiqaat Saga: Balancing Innovation and Corporate Governance

Implementing stronger corporate governance frameworks that apply to regional startups is a good starting point to increase investor confidence in a challenging economic climate.

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Oman Jump-Starts Its Slow-Moving Technology Initiatives

Advancing Oman’s technology initiatives can help the government address economic challenges that have assumed a new degree of urgency following the coronavirus outbreak and oil price collapse.

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As the Gulf’s Digital Economy Accelerates, Speed Bumps Await

Smart spending on the enhancement of Gulf governments’ digital capabilities and the development of technology-focused industries is needed to bolster future growth.

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Free to Game: Esports in the Gulf

Discussions over establishing an esports free zone in Dubai reflect the high-growth potential of competitive online gaming across the broader Gulf region.

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Add to Cart: E-commerce Development in the Gulf

E-commerce development initiatives align closely with high-priority government agendas to build technology-focused, knowledge-driven economies. However, challenges related to payments, regulation, and delivery threaten e-commerce growth prospects across the region.

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Iran May Pay To Play in Crypto Amid Sanctions, Financial Tensions

Cryptocurrency activity is unlikely to offer the Iranian regime an immediate avenue for evading crippling U.S. sanctions.

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Bahrain and Abu Dhabi Compete to be Gulf’s Cryptocurrency Hub

The heightened interest in cryptocurrencies across the Gulf is taking place alongside global efforts to both regulate digital assets and attract cryptocurrency firms.

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The Political Ramifications of the Gulf’s Digital Transformation

Gulf Arab states are striving to become tech-driven, knowledge economies, but the digital path ahead is bound to be bumpy.

Russia’s Iran Gambit: Powering Civilian Growth or Fueling Military Expansion?

As Tehran and Moscow deepen their nuclear and space technology collaboration, concerns over dual-use applications and regional security implications grow.

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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