Civil Society

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The End of Mandatory Hijab in Iran?

Should the Islamic Republic utilize the March 1 elections to end effective enforcement of the hijab law, it will remove a source of constant friction between state and society in Iran, but the regime will also lose an instrument of intimidating the urban middle class.

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In the Gulf, Is Civil Society Fighting for Climate?

Tracking the efforts and successes of civil society elements in underscoring the urgency of addressing climate change will remain a key bellwether for progress on issues relating to global warming, energy transition, and sustainability.

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Protests Redefine Iran

Protests in Iran have sparked a change in narratives inside and outside of Iran suggesting there is no going back to the status quo.

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Pro-Sadr Protests Exacerbate Risky Political Impasse in Iraq

Iraq’s Parliament, where a sit-in of Sadr supporters continues, has become the epicenter of the intra-Shia power struggle, perpetuating the country’s political crisis.

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After Sistani: Is There a Successor to Continue His Legacy?

Since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has played a key role in Iraq’s religious and political spheres, particularly as a staunch opponent of vilayet e-faqih.

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Bread Riots in Iran, Intransigence in Vienna

Are domestic protests over economic conditions likely to increase Iran’s willingness to come to a final agreement with the United States to restore the JCPOA?

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“Civil Nomadism”: Itinerant Social Engagement as a Precursor to Civil Society

A fixed definition of civil society can cloud a deeper understanding of how civil society can function in different contexts, like that of the UAE.

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Hard-Fought Iraqi Presidential Contest Signals Fraught Government Formation Ahead

The Iraqi presidency is effectively reserved for a Kurdish leader, but Salih and Zebari may point the country in very different directions.

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Arab Shia Communities in Transition: A Peacemaking Opportunity for the International Community?

This report is based on the discussions held during a workshop co-hosted with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on Shia communities in Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.

The Terror Designation: Houthis Scramble While Dismissing Its Impact

While not without risks, ​​Trump’s redesignation of the Houthis​​ ​​as a foreign terrorist organization ​​​​​​is a powerful ​​​​​​diplomatic ​​tool​​​​ for Yemen’s government​​​​​​​​. ​ 

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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