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Bahrain and Iran Aim to Restore Ties

While regional dynamics support de-escalation between Bahrain and Iran, a host of obstacles and a potent history of bilateral grievances are likely to ensure anemic relations.

Briefing With Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri

On June 4, AGSIW hosted a closed briefing with Yusuf Abdulkarim Bucheeri, the director general of legal affairs and human rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain.

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Bahraini Photographer Puts Spotlight on Youth Palestine Advocacy

Ahmed Alghasra blends advocacy for the Palestinians with his photography to document demonstrations on social media and amplify youth perspectives on the Gaza conflict.

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Bahrain Sets the Pace for Enhanced Gulf Security Cooperation With the United States

A recently signed security- and economy-focused pact marks the latest development in the United States’ close, long-standing partnership with Bahrain.

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AI Offers a New Path for Personalized Education in Bahrain

AI, particularly large language models, could lay the foundation for a more technologically harmonized and effective educational framework in Bahrain.

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Climate Action, Water Scarcity, and Nostalgia: Bahrain at the Venice Architecture Biennale

As new studies emphasize the rising danger of heat exposure in Gulf states, young Bahraini curators Maryam Aljomairi and Latifa Alkhayat pose architectural solutions to air conditioning overuse and waste through the atmospheric exhibition “Sweating Assets.”

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Picking Up Speed: The Rise of Futsal in Bahrain

The Bahrain Futsal Academy, co-founded by Ebrahim Khalil Al Mohammed, rallied its community around a first-of-its-kind youth Ramadan futsal tournament – and it’s only just getting started.

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Home of Khaleeji Hip Hop and R&B: Bahrain in the Gulf Music Scene

To Bahraini music producer Sarah Nabil, khaleeji hip hop and R&B are all about the grooves native to Arab cultural heritage and a language that is relatable.

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Turkey-Bahrain Relations Getting Back on Track, as Erdogan Set to Visit Manama

Two old regional partners forge ahead with renewed diplomatic, economic, and security ties, putting frictions related to Qatar boycott in the rearview mirror.

Why Gulf National Oil Companies Are Investing in U.S. LNG

Gulf national oil companies represent a new pool of capital for global gas investment, and with some of their first forays in the United States, Gulf gas deals suggest Washington’s relations with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are improving.

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