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May 13, 2024
REUTERS/Ahmed Yosri
Saudi Arabia’s 60-Year Battle for Food Security
Marie van den Bosch 

The climate crisis has shifted the Saudi approach to agriculture from rent distribution and coalition building to strategic investment to ensure Saudis have enough to eat.
Oman Cultural Complex Highlights Shift in Arab Cultural Production
Bridget Peak 

Through the Oman Cultural Complex, Oman joins its neighbors in a collective Gulf vision of the future while maintaining its lauded commitment to Omani cultural heritage.
Hamas Is in Trouble With Palestinians in Gaza
Hussein Ibish via The Globe and Mail

Among the least appreciated realities in the Gaza cease-fire negotiations in Cairo is the evident political peril facing Hamas.
AGSIW in Arabic
الحراك الجامعي: من فيتنام إلى غزة
هشام ملحم 

فرضت التظاهرات الراهنة ضد الاجتياح الإسرائيلي لغزة، كما فعلت تلك التي عصفت بالبلاد قبل أكثر من نصف قرن، نفسها على المجتمع الأميركي والحياة السياسية بشكل عام
العلاقة الناشئة بين صناديق الثروة السيادية الخليجية والتكنولوجيا العالمية
روبرت موجيلنيكي 

لطالما دأبت صناديق الثروة السيادية الخليجية منذ فترة طويلة على الاستثمار في الشركات الواعدة التي تركز اهتمامها على التكنولوجيا، وتدعم هذه الأدوات الاستثمارية بشكل متزايد الخطط الطموحة التي تهدف لجعل الدول الخليجية مراكز عالمية للتكنولوجيا المتقدمة
فنانون خليجيون يتألقون في بينالي الدرعية للفن المعاصر
ندى اماكي 

مسترشدةً بفكرة "ما بعد الغيث"، تتناول العروض الخليجية في بينالي الدرعية للفن المعاصر، بنبرة متفائلة، قضايا التدمير البيئي والتعافي المجتمعي والتغيير الثقافي الاجتماعي
Advisor to Khamenei: "In the Face of an Existential Threat, We May Revise Our Nuclear Doctrine"

The May 10 edition of the Iran Media Review highlights further warnings by Iranian officials that Tehran could pursue nuclear weapons.
Bahraini Al-Ashtar Brigades Claims Responsibility for Drone Attack Against Israel

The May 7 edition of the Iran Media Review examines reports of an alleged drone attack on the Israeli city of Eilat by a paramilitary branch of the Islamic Resistance of Bahrain.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
In the Media
  • The New York TimesHussein Ibish discussed differences in Al Jazeera's Arabic and English coverage.
  • PBS Newshour: In an interview, Ibish discussed Israel's operation in Rafah.
  • ReutersRobert Mogielnicki commented on the war in Gaza and its impact on UAE-Israel economic ties.
  • France 24: In an interview, Ibish commented on the potential impact of the Israeli-Hamas conflict on the U.S. presidential election.
  • Haaretz: Ibish discussed protests on U.S. campuses and the possibility of universities divesting from Israel.
  • Business Insider: Mogielnicki commented on how regional risks and conflict may affect Neom's development.
  • Al Hurra: In an interview, Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman discussed the visit of U.S. Undersecretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya to Iraq.
  • Al Hurra: In an interview, Ambassador William Roebuck discussed Israel’s limited military operation in Rafah and latest developments in the negotiations for a cease-fire agreement.
Credit: Nada Ammagui
  • Gulf Creatives Conference: Kristin Smith Diwan moderated the panel "The Role of Business Leaders in Promoting Innovation." Nada Ammagui moderated the panel "Telling Our Story: Identity, History, and Heritage in the Work of Gulf Artists."
  • NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub: Robert Mogielnicki delivered a lecture on the political economy of the Middle East and North Africa and evolving global partnerships involving key regional actors
  • Capitol Visitor's Center: Ambassador William Roebuck moderated a panel on the future of the U.S. military presence in Syria. 
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