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August 21, 2023
Ahmed Yosri/Pool Photo via AP
Upcoming Events
Is a U.S.-Brokered Deal Between Israel and Saudi Arabia Possible?
August 30 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT | Online

On August 30, AGSIW and ROPES will co-host a discussion on the prospects for an agreement among the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
Book Talk – New Military Strategies in the Gulf: The Mirage of Autonomy in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar
September 7 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am EDT | Online

On September 7, AGSIW will host a discussion of a book that examines Gulf Arab states' military strategies.
AP Photo
Sudan Threatens to Become Next Big Conflict, for Its Neighbors and the Gulf
Ambassador William Roebuck 

The risks of all-out civil war and state collapse are likely to sharpen the now swirling debates over risky external intervention, floundering democracy efforts, and confounding Russian influence.
Meaning in Material: Amani AlThuwaini’s Artistic Mantra
Nada Ammagui

Through her multidisciplinary creative practice, Kuwaiti Ukrainian artist Amani AlThuwaini engages with themes of heritage and history, consumerism, childhood, and ritual.
Has Regional Detente Paved the Way for Collective Maritime Security in the Gulf?
Leonardo Jacopo Maria Mazzucco

While a regional naval alliance remains distant, de-escalation has created an opening for maritime security cooperation.
From Sharm el Sheikh to Dubai: What to Expect From the UAE as Host of COP28
Aisha Al-Sarihi

COP28 is expected to create momentum for the Gulf states to advance their climate action ambitions and climate policy implementation.

This publication is part of AGSIW's Energy and Climate Initiative.
AGSIW in Arabic
الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا يتحول لحرب استنزاف طويلة
  هشام ملحم

هناك حالة إرهاق عميقة في أوساط الأوكرانيين بعد عام ونصف من القتال، زاد من حدتها وتشاؤمها الجمود الميداني الذي لم يتوقعه العديد من الأوكرانيين
السودان قد يصبح الصراع الكبير القادم لجيرانه والخليج
  السفير وليام رويبوك

من المرجح أن تؤدي مخاطر الحرب الأهلية الشاملة وانهيار الدولة إلى زيادة حدة الجدل المحتدم حاليًا حول التدخل الخارجي المحفوف بالمخاطر، وجهود الديمقراطية المتعثرة، والنفوذ الروسي المُربك
الاستراتيجيات الإسرائيلية للحفاظ على اتفاقيات إبراهام وتوسيعها
  عزيز الغشيان

إن انهيار اتفاقيات إبراهام أمر غير مرجح، كما أن انضمام بقية دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي إليها مستبعد أيضً
انتهاء قمة أوكرانيا في السعودية دون تقدم كبير، لكنها تزعج روسيا الغائبة
  السفير وليام رويبوك

يؤكد الدور البارز للرياض على تزايد ثقتها في الساحة العالمية، وتوازنها الواقعي والدقيق للتحالفات والعلاقات التي تقيمها مع الشركاء الرئيسيين
Sour Grapes of the Iran-U.S. Agreement: Defended by IRGC Mouthpieces, Criticized by Reformist Newspaper

The August 18 edition of the Iran Media Review analyzes partisan responses to the U.S.-Iranian agreement expected to secure the release of $6 billion in Iranian assets.
Iran’s State-Owned Online Service Platforms Choose Profit Over Government Policy

The August 15 edition of the Iran Media Review highlights a controversy over the political stances and ownership of Iranian technology companies.

Subscribe to the Iran Media Review Recap.
Press Release
Yerevan Saeed Accepts New Role as a Visiting Scholar

Saeed first joined AGSIW in 2016 as a research associate. He is a former lecturer at the University of Kurdistan Hewler, TEDx speaker, and political analyst who researches and writes on security, political, and energy issues in the Middle East, focusing on Iraq, Turkey, Iran, the Gulf, and the Levant.
In the Media
  • Foreign Service Institute: Robert Mogielnicki delivered a virtual lecture on Chinese influence in the Gulf.
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The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 1060
Washington, DC 20036