Revelations From IRGC War University Journals

With its 31 peer-reviewed journals, Imam Hussein University constitutes the academic backbone of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Through an in-depth analysis, the Revelations From IRGC War University Journals series identifies what these journals reveal about the strategic thinking of the IRGC.

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What Iran’s Military Journals Reveal About the Role of Missiles in Strategic Deterrence

A pilot survey of Imam Hussein University academic journals shows the limits of academic freedom in the Islamic Republic, save a few pieces reflecting the Iranian leadership’s view of the role of missiles in strategic deterrence.

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What Iran’s Military Journals Reveal About the Goals of the Quds Force

A pilot survey of the complete series of two journals published by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Imam Hussein University provides valuable information about the internal deliberations of the Quds Force.

Sudan Is Iran’s Opening for a Foothold in the Red Sea

By providing support to the Sudanese government and army, Iran seeks to use the civil war in Sudan to bolster its position in the Red Sea.

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