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Internal Political Realignment Targets Saudi Women Activists

On June 24, Saudi women will be allowed to operate their own cars, ending the ban on women driving and effecting a momentous change in the conservative kingdom.

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Kuwait’s Government Unlikely to Ease Austerity Despite Opposition Pressure

Since the opening of the Kuwaiti Parliament’s current session on December 19, 2017 opposition members of parliament have moved aggressively to stymie the government’s austerity agenda.

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The Gulf Arab Countries and the Kurdish Referendum

Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) authorities in Iraq have reported a predictably huge “yes” vote, over 90 percent, in the nonbinding referendum on Kurdish independence that was held September 25.

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Gulf Countries May Find Encouragement on Iran in Confirmation Hearings

AGSIW scholars examine statements made by some of the president’s key Cabinet nominees during their confirmation hearings for clues to the new administration’s likely policies on the issues of most pressing interest to the Gulf Arab states.

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Oman’s Municipal Elections Reveal Frustration with Austerity Program

In countries where politics are opaque to outsiders, municipal elections provide an important glimpse into the minds of the population.

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Kuwait’s Snap Parliamentary Elections Bring Return of the Opposition

On November 26, Kuwait held parliamentary elections, its fourth in just five years, in a vote that marked the return of the opposition after nearly four years of electoral boycotts.

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Why a Clinton Presidency Could be Good for the Gulf

In these pages last month, I outlined a number of reasons why the Gulf states should be cautiously optimistic about US foreign policy in a Hillary Clinton administration, given that the Democratic nominee is extremely likely to become the next president.

Sanctions on Syria Prevent Economic Recovery and Rebuilding the Country

For Syria to have a chance at stability, the United States and the EU need to urgently consider lifting the layers of economic sanctions imposed on Syria under Assad and allow Gulf countries to help rebuild the war-torn country.

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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