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Gulf States Race to Meet Surging Natural Gas Demand

The growing importance of gas in a region dominated by giant oil reserves and high oil production capacity has been fueled by explosive population growth, urbanization, increased standards of living, and industrialization in the Gulf Arab states.

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The Gulf’s Entanglement in Egypt

If experience is any guide, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s management of the Egyptian economy is in for a rough ride.

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Smart(er) Money in the Gulf

The fiscal retrenchment unfolding across the Gulf Cooperation Council since the advent of lower oil prices in late 2014 is bound to have effects on the deployment of Gulf capital, particularly via sovereign wealth funds and state-owned investments.

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Business Politics in the Gulf

As much as things are changing in the Gulf Cooperation Council, in terms of the relationship between state and economy with the much-heralded post-oil transformation underway, there are many aspects of state-business relations that remain the same.

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Drop in the Bucket: Reduced Fuel Subsidies Offer Little Deficit Relief

The Gulf Cooperation Council states have drastically reduced subsidies of fuel, with the exception of Kuwait, which planned to reduce fuel subsidies but met stiff resistance from Parliament.

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Market Watch: Gulf States' Fiscal Situation Accelerates Consensus for Economic Reform

The Gulf economic model has historically envisioned the state as an engine of growth, a source of employment, and as a provider of a range of social and economic benefits, including healthcare, housing, subsidized energy, and free education.

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