During President Barack Obama’s administration the U.S.-Saudi relationship has deteriorated due to mistrust and disagreement over Iran, Syria, and the U.S. commitment to Gulf security. Blunt comments by Obama in a recent article in The Atlantic have deepened these concerns.
This panel discussion examines what Obama and the GCC leaders achieved, respectively, at the April 21 U.S.-GCC summit to advance their agendas and shore up the partnership. What problems remain to be addressed? What long-term effects will the “Obama doctrine” have on U.S.-GCC relations? And how will the results of this summit shape the future of U.S.-GCC relations under the next U.S. administration?
Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, Professor of Political Science, Emirates University
Jeffrey Goldberg, National Correspondent, The Atlantic
Hussein Ibish, Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (Moderator)