Discovering New Gold: Culture and the Future of Saudi-U.S. Relations
With Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia’s bold blueprint for the future, culture is being elevated as a fundamental pillar of the Saudi-U.S. alliance.
Partial or total collapses in state authority, once rare, are no longer outliers in an otherwise stable international state system.
With Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia’s bold blueprint for the future, culture is being elevated as a fundamental pillar of the Saudi-U.S. alliance.
A new deal between the Iraqi government and BP to develop oil fields in Iraq's most contested province could rekindle a century-old flame between Baghdad and Erbil.
For Syria to have a chance at stability, the United States and the EU need to urgently consider lifting the layers of economic sanctions imposed on Syria under Assad and allow Gulf countries to help rebuild the war-torn country.
Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.
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