Qatar's Adroit Post-October 7 Diplomacy
Qatar appears to have turned a serious potential liability, its long-standing support for Hamas, into diplomatic advantage.
In this video, Elizabeth Dickinson, Michael Woldemariam, and Annette Weber discuss the uniting impact of the Gulf Arab states in the Horn of Africa region.
Qatar appears to have turned a serious potential liability, its long-standing support for Hamas, into diplomatic advantage.
The influence of oil giant Saudi Aramco across football, Formula 1 racing, and golf reveals how closely Saudi Arabia’s sports policy aligns with its energy transition and sustainability agenda.
Oman’s Military Discipline Program uses military codes to promote top-down objectives, such as strengthening social cohesion, responsibility, and a sense of national belonging among young Omanis.
Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.
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