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The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Countdown to Net Zero

The next few years will be pivotal for the Gulf and the broader international community as the world’s energy architecture is redesigned to meet net-zero ambitions.

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IEA: Global Investment in Clean Energy Set to Reach Record $2 Trillion in 2024

Despite some large solar projects underway in the Gulf Arab states, mainly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Middle East does not account for a significant share of total investments in clean energy.

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Chinese Firms Snag Iraqi Oil and Gas Blocks

Chinese investors are less risk averse than their Western counterparts, hence their strong showing in the latest upstream opportunities offered by Baghdad.

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Privatizing the Gulf Utility Sector

Gulf governments are looking to privatize their energy-intensive utility sectors, aiming to make public utilities more environmentally and financially sustainable.

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Kuwait’s New Energy Strategy Takes Off but Oil’s Still Dominant

While other Gulf Arab oil producing states have advanced diversification policies to ease reliance on oil revenue and increase renewable energy investments, Kuwait has lagged behind.

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Iraq Moves to Tackle Climate Challenge

Iraq is stepping up efforts to reduce flared gas as the first solar power plant moves forward with France’s TotalEnergies.

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The UAE and Saudi Arabia Lead the Way on Central Asian Energy Pivot

As Central Asian states seek to diversify their economic partnerships, the UAE and Saudi Arabia double down on green investments in the region to bolster their energy transitions.

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Water Challenges in the Emerging Hydrogen Economy

Global shifts have revitalized the move toward hydrogen as an energy source. However, discussions often center on cost and technical barriers, neglecting critical questions regarding water as a feedstock in hydrogen production.

A Flurry of Activity in Bahrain-China Relations

Recent developments in Bahrain-China ties reflect less alignment and more coincidence of interests.

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Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century.

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