
Resident Scholars


Non-Resident Fellows

    Abdulkhaleq Abdulla

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Professor of Political Science

    Aziz Alghashian

    Non-Resisdent Fellow, AGSIW; Fellow, Sectarianism, Proxies and De-sectarianisation project

    Eman Alhussein

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW

    Sara Bazoobandi

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; associate, German Institute of Global and Area Studies

    Ben Cahill

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW

    DB Des Roches

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Associate Professor, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University

    Kate Dourian

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Contributing Editor, MEES; Fellow, Energy Institute

    Yasser Elsheshtawy

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Adjunct Professor of Architecture, GSAPP, Columbia University

    Ambassador Feisal Amin Rasoul al-Istrabadi

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Founding Director, Center for the Study of the Middle East, Indiana University Bloomington

    Anna L. Jacobs

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW

    Narayanappa Janardhan

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Director of Research and Analysis, Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy

    Gregory D. Johnsen

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Associate Director, Institute for Future Conflict, U.S. Air Force Academy

    Robert Mason

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Non-Resident Fellow, Gulf Research Center

    Hisham Melhem

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW

    Robin Mills

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; CEO, Qamar Energy

    Bessma Momani

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance and Innovation

    David B. Roberts

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Associate Professor, King’s College London

    Yerevan Saeed

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Mustafa Barzani Scholar In Residence and Director, Global Kurdish Initiative, American University

    Bader Al-Saif

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Assistant Professor of History, Kuwait University

    Aisha Al-Sarihi

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Research Fellow, National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute

    Alanoud Al-Sharekh

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Director, Ibtkar Strategic Consultancy

    Emma Soubrier

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW; Visiting Scholar, Institute for Middle East Studies

    Omar Al-Ubaydli

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW

    Hanan Sayed Worrell

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW

    Ambassador (ret.) Susan L. Ziadeh

    Non-Resident Fellow, AGSIW